When it’s time to replace missing teeth, there are a few options to consider. The tried-and-true denture option is the first thought that crosses our mind, the second being how terrible daily life is going to become when it comes to things like eating and speaking. The good thing is, there is an option that will relieve all your fears of slippage and embarrassing discomfort – implant dentures.
Implant supported dentures are a type of overdenture that is supported by implants inserted into your gums. Not only will this look extremely natural, but the support given will prevent slippage while you wear them. How does this happen? It has attachments that connect the denture to the implants. At night, remove and clean with ease.
In general, implant supported dentures are made for the lower jaw. Dentures for the upper jaw usually have enough suction to stay in place without needing implants. But if you are a patient that needs both sets, you may want to consider getting these dentures in both the upper and the lower jaws.
There are two types of implant dentures to consider – bar-retained dentures and ball-retained dentures. Bar-retained dentures includes placing a thin metal bar on an implant abutment. There are also other attachments that fit on the bar or the denture, while being held in place by clips.
On the other hand, ball-retained dentures have a ball and socket that hold the denture in place. Every implant in the patient’s jaw has a socket attached to it to align each of the balls on the denture.
Once placed, you are all set to go about your normal life. Eat and speak without worry – your new smile will not slip about, rub on the gums, or cause sore spots.
For more information about dental implants, call Dr. Ladani in Schnecksville, PA at 610-799-0600 or visit www.extraordinarysmiles.net.
Dr. Sandip Ladani proudly serve patients from Schnecksville and all surrounding areas.