Keeping the Needles at Bay | Schnecksville Dentist

When you’re in the dental profession, there is one major question you are constantly asked by your patients as they step in the room – am I going to need to get a shot? No, you are not alone. Many patients are sitting in the same boat as you are and as dental professionals, we have to do our best to make our patients feel comfortable while in our dental chair. But despite the anxiety that is building as we begin a dental procedure, anesthesia is necessary. It is vital to performing a successful dental procedure. So, how do you rectify this dental dilemma? The Wand.

The Wand Anesthesia System is a computer-assisted way to deliver anesthesia to the patient that is revolutionizing the dental surgery industry. No longer are the days that you are staring down the barrel of a dental needle, now there is a plastic wand.

Within this handy wand is a very tiny needle that will deliver your anesthesia to your mouth in the most pain-free way possible. And because a computer is aiding its delivery, there is now a way to only numb the tooth in question. Not only that, but the computer will also administer the correct amount of anesthesia throughout the procedure. No more “fat lip” feeling, no more embarrassing accidents. In fact, you don’t even need to miss work because an entire area in your mouth hasn’t been numbed.  

So, as you can see, you have nothing to worry about at your dental appointments. Here at Extraordinary Smiles, it is our first priority to give our patients the most calming, efficient service possible. And we are proud that The Wand Anesthesia System is the latest addition to our patient care.

For more information about The Wand Anesthesia System, call Dr. Sandip Ladani in Schnecksville, PA at 610-799-0600 or visit

Dr. Ladani proudly serve patients from Schnecksville and all surrounding areas.

Relax Your Way to a Healthy Smile | Schnecksville Dentist

Now that the holiday season is over and we are all into our resolutions for a healthier, happier new year, it’s time to focus on not only our physical health, but our dental health as well. After all, having a healthy smile will also help prevent many other physical ailments, so it’s a two bird, one stone combo. Unfortunately, for many of us, it isn’t as easy as one may think. Many patients have dental anxiety, so it makes them nervous just thinking about going to the dentist. But for those patients, we have good news. We at Extraordinary Smiles are proud to introduce our Comfort Menu.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we have the cure for your dental blues. During your dental visit, you will receive a menu of options that will help you relax and set your mind at ease. Not only will you feel like you’re in a day spa, but you will also be improving your dental health. Because the best way to keep a healthy smile is preventive care – maintaining a health dental hygiene routine and keep regular dental checkups.

Are you curious about what this magical menu contains? Here’s a quick rundown to get you excited:

  • Lavender aromatherapy
  • Heated neck wrap
  • Weighted and warm blankets, eye pillows and towelettes
  • Lavender hand lotion and paraffin hand mask
  • 24 karat gold eye treatment mask
  • Stress balls
  • Support pillows
  • Noise-cancelling headphones with your favorite tunes
  • Local anesthesia
  • Nitrous oxide for the more nervous patients

Can you believe this is all at the dentist? You will go in for a checkup and come out feeling fresh and new! How’s that for a start to a happy, healthy new year?

For more information about dental health, call Dr. Sandip Ladani in Schnecksville, PA at 610-799-0600 or visit

Dr. Ladani proudly serve patients from Schnecksville and all surrounding areas.